Originally posted by zArAthena
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Flurry Pve Guide For Cap 95
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Hi zar.. Thank you again for posting flurry guide in this new forum..
Anyway i want to ask about cm iii flurry.. I still a bit confused when using deep pierce.. I maxed deep pierced and in latest nest it only got rank 9 on dps skill meter..
How about u or the other?
Well for using deep pierce i still use it after enh. Spinning skewer cause vulnerable chance have more time than cm1 vulnerable chance.. Any suggestion is welcome
I forgot how my Deep pierce in DPS detail, but for sure it is very low. There is a major problem with deep piece which is its awkward animation. It will take a bit of time to cast and will leave you in "bad" position. Therefore, I do not use it everytime it off cd and have vulnerable.
Let see how it change on next update. For now, it quite bad CM3 (oh well, most CM3 are bad though).
// Sorry for late reply
Nice guide. If you didnt mention it ill assume you just dont play Flurry like this but what I do is not only cast SS while waiting for mechs to finish, I use it every single time off CD even if target doesnt have Vulnerable on it, why I do this is because i can get ESS faster, i've been playing this way for a long time and my DPS actually went up compared to the time when i only used it when i saw it. Now with CM3 i had to change my gameplay a little, i only do it like this when Deep Pierce on CD, my top 5 skills on skills details now goes 1. Spinning Cut, 2. Spinning Skewer. 3. Rough Sweep Instant, 4. Enhnaced Spinning Skewer 5. Deep pierce, sometimes 6 and Rough Sweep 5, still getting used to itLast edited by Adhelaida; 10-10-2017, 10:06 PM.
Flurry awakening - Initial info.
This is the info I get from kDN patch note. Noted that I just edit from google translate, so it may not accurate. But anyways, you can get a bit about how flurry awakening look like. I will post more info when I can find.
Developer’s commment: Make [Vulernable] management easier. In addition to the [Vulernable] exposure mechanisms that had to rely on probability, Added a way to cause [Vulernable] actively.
In addition, we increased the duration of [Vulernable] and alleviated the situation that urgency check should be made.
Awakening skill:
Evil Fencer (Active)
A skill to discover evil spirits hidden in two-dimensional chaos, Evil spirits will explode if they are nearby.
The evil spirits that do not explode can be removed by Flurry
When all evil spirits are removed, a [Righteousness] buff is created for Flurry and gains a strengthening effect.
Bifrost (active)
Rainbow. It is the skill that jumps the enemy to draw the trajectory of the shape of the bridge, and raises it and hits it again.
Unlike [Spinning Skewer] which also gives greater damage to enemies with [Vulernable]
When Bifrost hit, [Vulernable] does not disappear, and the duration of [Vulernable] is renewed.
[Awakening Passive] Hornet Touch
Allows you to attack through additional input even if you do not succeed in counterattacking after using the hornet touch.
When an attack is hit by an enemy, you gain 5 [energy]. In the case of a successful counterattack, 5 [energy] were obtained, and in addition, you can get 5 [Energy] and get up to 10 [Energy].
[Awakening Passive] Scar Maker
The increase in attack power and range of cover increased for a flurry of movement,
The duration of the buff also increases, so you can see the effects of the Scar maker longer even if you get out of the battlefield.
[Awakening passive] Spinning cut down
When press at accurate timing, swing one more time to give higher damage.
In addition, when press fail, a certain amount of spinning cut down cooldown is reduce.
In other words, it increased the sense of gain when it succeeded and decreased the sense of loss when it failed.
[Awakening Passive] Headbutt
When using Headbutt, you will have a chance to catch the power of the whole body.
Make the enemy [weak spot].
Headbutt skill does not have a cooldown, so you can try to use the skill of the other skill intermittently.
Skill change:
The Lancea Honnet Touch maximum level will change to 12 levels.
Skill damace increase (number is at maximum level):
- Shutter bounce
1707% =>; 3313%
- Stab screw
1518% =>; 2936%
-Lolipop chups.
3463% =>; 6827%
-Spinning swing.
1105% =>; 2612%
-Flying Sky.
10799% =>; 16148%
-Spinning skewer
300% =>; 441%
-Rough Sweep
4500% => 8899%
The duration of the [Vulernable] has been changed to 4 seconds.
Class Mastery I, II Passive effects have been changed to:- Patk increase 12% => 25%
700% increase => 1000% increase
Last edited by zArAthena; 10-19-2017, 01:25 AM.zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti
More complete info.
Developer’s comment: Make [Vulnerable] management easier. In addition to the [Vulnerable] exposure mechanisms that had to rely on probability, added a way to generate [Vulnerable] through Energy.
In addition, we increased the duration of [Vulnerable] and alleviated the situation where you have to constantly check for it
Awakening skill:
Evil Fencer (Active)
A skill to discover evil spirits hidden in two-dimensional chaos which will explode if enemy are nearby. You also can explode by using Normal attack, Lolipop chups, and any EX skills.
When all evil spirits are removed, you will gain a [Justice] buff.- Evil spirit duration: 20s
- Justice duration: 30s
- Justice increases your damage and critical chance by 15%. (Not sure if this is a bug, but the icon for this buff do not show. However, you still get the buff which show in stat window.)
Bifrost (active)
Lift the enemy into the air, draw a rainbow, then slam it in the ground.
Unlike [Spinning Skewer], this skill do not remove [Vulnerable] status, rather, it create a new [Vulnerable] which last longer.
Damage: 18300%. Consist of 2 hits with coef: lift hit - 0.4, slam hit 0.6
When use Bifrost on [Vulnerable] target, damage will increase 20% (become 21960%), and apply 10s [Vulnerable] status on target.
[Awakening Passive] Hornet Touch
Aside from blocking when enemy hits, now you can manual trigger it by pressing Left Click. Gain 5 Energy in either case.
Damage increase 50%. At max level damage is 2919%1.5 = 4379%
[Awakening Passive] Scar Maker
Increase attack power and range that make flurry more flexible in movement.
The duration of the buff also increases, so you can see the effects of the Scar maker longer even if you get out of the marker range.- Increases damage by 15%. (Non-awakening is 10%)
- Buff duration increases by 7s.
[Awakening passive] Spinning Cut
When right click at the right timing, aside from usual red slash, you will get 1 more red slash which deal 1 hit. Totally you will get 2 slash with 3 hits. This additional red slash will auto come, just don’t use any other skills.
In addition, when press fail, a certain amount of spinning cut down cooldown is reduce. In other words, it increased the sense of gain when it succeeded and decreased the sense of loss when it failed.
The additional slash will deal 1 hit equal damage with 1 hits of normal red slash. Which make the skill 50% stronger. Total damage for 3 hits: 32304%
Reduce cd 5s if fail.
[Awakening Passive] Headbutt
When using Headbutt, you will have a chance to use the power of the whole body and make enemy [Vulnerable]. Headbutt don’t have cd, so you can spam this skill when waiting for other skill cd.
25% chance to increasing damage by 3000% and give [Vulernable] debuff.
Headbutt base damage: 211%
Headbutt damage when trigger: 211*31 = 6541%
Compare to non-awakening, flurry gain 33% more patk. (13% from CM2, 5% from Awakening Scar maker, 15% from Evil Fencer)
Summary of flurry skill after awakening.
Last edited by zArAthena; 10-29-2017, 10:35 PM.zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti
Originally posted by nanalouis View PostDeep it actually deal 3 hit, only last hit taking the vulnerable effect
Can you confirm this?
zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti
like rune dragon dpsing in rune prison how you knw it vulnerable ? so hard so the icon. in s4 kicking part as well
At rune prison It is enough visible at least when you position yourself on the sides near a leg, at dragon's phase 1 i've only been able to see it in front of dragon and when at his sides but checking the front part from the sides. However, i actually dont need to be aware of it because i use SC every single time off CD even if theres no vulnerable present, i do this to get bubbles faster, you can opt for this way if want, i havent known Flurrys who plays like this, aside from one from NA so im going to understand if you have doubts about itLast edited by Adhelaida; 11-15-2017, 01:16 PM.
I will revamp the whole guide after I done my testing and explore on awakening flurry.
For now, I make a quick reference on how to build flurry after revamp.
1/ Skill build.
2/ Skill plate
- Skewer +dmg (must have)
- Rough Sweep +dmg (must have)
The rest is optional
- Hornet touch -cd (my current choice)
- Spinning swing +AS (my current choice)
- Spinning cut dmg/cd
- Deep Pierce + dmg.
3/ Skill rotation:
Scar Maker > Evil Fencer (cast before boss appear) > Stab screw > Shutter bounce > Skewer (use right after 1st hit of Shutter bounce to cancel 2nd hit) > Hornet touch > Rough sweep > RS Inst > Lolipop chups > ECS.
Some notes:
- Always spam Hornet every time it off cd. It have decent damage and give 5 bubble.
- Use Deep Pierce > Skewer every time seeing [Vulnerable]. Or only Skewer if Deep Pirece is on cd.
- ECS 2nd slash quite slow, can cancel it with Hornet or skewer.
- Bi frost only gain 20% more dmg on [Vulnerable], so you can just use it even without [Vulnerable].
- When reach 20 bubble,use Skewer > Deep Pierce > Skewer, or Skewer > Skewer if Deep Pierce on cd.zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti
thank you for ur input
sometimes I still use hovering blade to triggered vulnerable point...
after awaken i think we should spam with awaken head butt for filler too, "if" success it will give vulnerable debuff point..we can use skewer after that
but maxing it into lvl 16 is not good option imo..Last edited by Siberiasan; 01-19-2018, 08:56 PM.
Nimmienaticz . Yup, your observation is right.
Siberiasan . The current Flurry is bug, not the legit one. So no point to invest further about it. I will give more input when the legit awakening come.