Revamped Physician Guide and Tips
Konnichiwa!~ MilleFiyu desu!
I. Quick Introduction
I'm playing Physician since 50 cap and gained a lot of experience from it and I just wanted to share my knowledge about it.
Physician has a lot of duties both PVE and PVP. They are one of the best support class in the game. (I think next to Saint)
Physician can also be the main support like the Saint if handled very good. So I'm here to share some tips to the aspiring Physicians out there.
Now that the Physician Revamp has come to DN SEA server, there would be some changes in our class.
Our role is still the same which is a support and a mini-dps class. A lot of skills have changed in the revamp, so we must adjust a little.
So I would like to share to you guys my ideas and thoughts about these changes, and how are we going to deal with it.
Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas as well.
Okay so let’s start~
II. Some Questions
Q1: Why Physician?
A: Because it's a Loli!!!
and the class is very useful in every way the game goes
Q2: Is Physician good for Main?
A: For me it is good too if you are not that into DPS type of player.
Q3: How good is the Physician DPS?
A: Sad to say but it isn't quite good. But if you are really a geared type of player, you can still feel its damage.
Q4: How good is the Physician Support?
A: It is very good if you ask. They can also overdo the Saint's job if handled very good.
Okay so let's begin!
III. Skill Description
First is knowing the Physician's role in PVE. They are one of the best support in game that can do various of work for the party.
Physician has a bit of a DPS, a very good Support, a very good Debuffer, and a very good Buffer.
Skill Tree
I'll be tackling the important skills on each tree and try to explain their use.
Academic Tree
Wax (Max) - This skill is very important. It gives an additional speed buff of 50% and a falling rate of 33% (for small to medium type of monsters). It must be maxed to decrease cooldown the skill cooldown.
Force Out (Max) - Force Out is one of the core skills for Physician on their mini-dps. Max this to boost the damage of the Class Master III.
Auto Dispenser - The best packed lunch. The Loli will summon a food dispenser which is packed with healing and buffing items randomly.
Bubble Bubble [Revamped] – As of today, the skill description is bugged, but I will try my best to explain its effect and changes. The skill has the same use from before. You can still use it to immobilize your target for a small amount of time, or to shield you allies. The buff effect of the skill has changed into a Super Armor Shield, granting your allies 40% SA (maxed) when they got hit.
Alchemist Tree
Bubble Charging Skills:These skills gives "Bubble". What is Bubble? Bubble is one of the most important part on playing the Alchemist. Every time you use these skills, the Alchemist will gain Bubble. These Bubbles can be stack up to 20 times and will be useful for some of the Alchemist Skills.
Injector (Max) - The Physician's most used skill. The damage is decent and is very spammable. Use this skill very often to generate bubbles fast.
Magma Punch - for debuff and bubble charging purposes only
Icing Punch - bubble charging purposes only
Disease (Max) - This skill is very important for the Physician's mini-dps. The poisoning last for 10 seconds with a 5% damage for 7 times.
Poison Charging [Revamped] - Changed from Passive to Active. You can still use the skill like before, by pressing Left Mouse Button after Tumble.This skill is one of the Utility skills of the Alchemist. This skill has a low damage increment and the sole purpose of the skill is to spam bubble and Poison Break EX.
Ice Palm (Optional) - damage & summon filler +1 bubble
Icing Mass (Optional) - damage filler & bubble charging
Bubble Using Skills: These skills uses Bubble. The bubbles are automatically used when the skill is used.
Summon Slime - The slime is the squishy best friend of Physician. They have a big role on supporting the Physician. The slime can be summoned twice. They last for 60 seconds.
Sacrifice- This will detonate the slime and damage the surrounding enemies. It will also give a buff that recovers 1% (0.4% before) of HP for 25 seconds.
Cocktail [Revamped] - The skill does not consume bubbles anymore. The skill duration is changed to 900 seconds (pretty long) and the effect is retained. Cooldown changed from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
Eureka - Received damage reduces by 0.75% per bubble. A total of 15% damage reduction from 20 Bubbles.
Hypnosis - Utility skill, can be use after Injector by pressing the right mouse button.
Bubble Enhancers: These 2 passive skills of Alchemist will enhance the Bubble Charging skills from 1 Bubble to 2 Bubbles.
Chemical Bubble Charging - Obtains 2 bubbles from dark and healing skills: Injector, Poison Charging, Disease, Love Virus, Heal Shower
Elemental Bubble Charging - Obtain 2 bubble from fire and ice skills: Magma Punch, Icing Punch. Obtain 1 Bubble from: Icing Mass, Ice Palm, Napalm Bomb
Physician Tree
Love Virus [Revamped] - Damage increases from 317% to 1011%.
Heal Shower [Revamped] - The HP Recovery increases from 10% to 20% of the Max HP.
Poison Cure [New Skill] - Creates a gigantic heart that continuously cure any negative buffs on you and your allies every 2 seconds. The skill has 60 seconds cooldown and lasts for 10 seconds.
Injector EX [Revamped] - The previous [Awakened] Injector effect is applied in Injector EX.
Injector’s Attack increases by 80%/ Additional 10% Action Speed on you and your targeted ally that lasts for 25 seconds
Reduce the Summon Slime Cooldown by 1 second per hit (maximum of 10 seconds).
Poison Break EX [Revamped] - Can no longer use Special Attack to cure your allies. Additional Attack for Poison Break by 50% and changes the skill cooldown to 15 seconds. Use normal attack button (left mouse click) after the first strike to deal another damage.
Heal Shower EX [Revamped] - Heal Shower is enhanced. Recovers you and your party's HP every 2 seconds by 30% of the Physician's Magic Attack.
Disease EX - Two more bottle of poison will be thrown. This skill will give Plague to enemies. The Plague scatters to enemies nearby the affected target. This will boost the damage of Mixed Infection, Poison Break and Poison Break EX by 100%. Last for 10 seconds.
Poison Charging EX - Attack increases by 30% and an additional special attack for 30% (click left mouse button) after the twirl.
Class Mastery I - Gives a permanent 13% attack and 20% dark attack. Boost the attack by 13% for 10 seconds when using dark and healing skills.
Class Mastery II - Instant Poison Break whenever you use Poison Charging, they don't share cooldown.
Class Mastery III - Boost the damage of Force Out by 700%. If you successfully hit the Slime with Mixed Infection, the explosion will deal 200% of damage.
Awakening Tree
Poison Strike [Revamped] - This skill is the best dps skill of the Physician now. It has 16750% of damage (pretty good) with a wide range of effect that also damage surrounding enemies. The casting range to hit the target is also increased (less clumsy loli now) and has a cooldown of 17 seconds. (13 seconds cooldown when Cocktail is on, so it is very spammable)
Slime Pool - This skill will generate 5 Poison Slimes. Each slimes deals 1000% attack and 5% poison damage.
Awakened Disease - Generates poison pool. The Poison Pool has 384% of attack and last for 10 seconds,
Awakened Poison Break [Revamped] - Enhance the Poison break. Special attack of Poison Break EX (Click Left Mouse Button after the first strike) will explode Awakened Disease and enhances its explosion damage.
Awakened Sacrifice [Revamped] - The HP recovery buff is changed. It recovers 1% of HP every 2 seconds. Another HP Recovery is added that is 10% base of your magic attack, also every 2 seconds. The cooldown is changed to 60 seconds. The buff lasts for 25 seconds.
Awakened Love Virus [Revamped] - The area and the range of Love Virus is enhanced. Love Virus deals continuous damage along its path.
IV. Skill Build
Set A (Pure PVE Physician)
Set A skill build is for the Pure PVE Physicians. This skill build requires to max the Skills in the Physician Tree aside from Poison Charging. Why? Because the damage increment on each level of the skill is not that high, and we need to sacrifice some SP for other skills such as, Poison Cure (New skill that requires 10 SP), Bubble Bubble [Revamped] (for shielding and SA buff), Love Virus [Revamped] (better damage) and Force Out.
Set B (PVE + Magma Skills)
Set B is for the love of Magma Skills, like Magma Wall and Magma Wave. These 2 Alchemist Skill is also useful on clearing and wiping a wide area of enemies like in Daily Quests and the Gold Goblin Dungeon.
Set C (PVE&PVP Build)
Lastly is the Set C, for PVE and/or PVP players out there. Getting the Magma skills for AOE, Icing mass for slow and range.
V. The Supporting Role
As I said earlier, Physician has one of the best supporting role in the game. They can Heal, Cure, Buff and Debuff for the party.
So here are some tips to effectively fulfill the support role of your Physician.
A. Healing and Buffing
The Physician has three Healing with Buff Abilities, these are the: Auto Dispenser, Sacrifice and Heal Shower
Auto Dispenser - Always spam this skill whenever it is ready. It gives different set of 6 random items (Healing and Buffing) that will support your party.
I highly recommend to get +1 Skill Accessory for this skill to give a total of 8 items.
Sacrifice - This skill is also useful for your party. It recovers 1% of HP every 2 seconds. HP Recovery Buff is applied that is 10% base of your magic attack, also every 2 seconds. The buff also gives 5% Attack increase for you and your team mates. The buff lasts for 25 seconds.
Heal Shower - The main healing ability of Physician. It recovers 20% of Max HP.
NOTE: Class Mastery I boost the Physician attack for 10 seconds, whenever she uses her dark and healing abilities: Injector, Disease, Poison Charging, Love Virus and Healing Shower
Wax - Always spam this skill too to boost you and your party's mobility.
Injector - We Physicians always spam this skill to gain bubbles, and now, it also give 10% action speed buff. Party member/s who gets hit by the Injector will also receive the action speed buff. Spam Injector on boss, near the team mates who are dps-ing the boss, make sure you hit most of the DPS type class in the party.
Bubble Bubble - This skill is revamped and it gives 40% SA when maxed. It may be a little hard for you to use this on your party members, but it is also useful when you learn when and where you will shoot the skill. The bubble will travel and will give the shielding effect to any party members it hit. The best thing to do is use it in a close range while your team mates are dps-ing in one spot. Target this on the ground so more members will get hit.
B. Curing and Debuffing
After the current Physician revamp, the cure from Poison Break has been removed. New skill is added in the Physician Tree to replace the curing skill of Physician.
Poison Cure [New Skill] - Creates a gigantic heart that continuously cure any negative buffs on you and your allies every 2 seconds. The skill has 60 seconds cooldown and lasts for 10 seconds.
NOTE: Not all debuff effects can be cured esp. in Raid Nests
Physician also have the abilities to debuff their target:
Magma Punch - reduces the target's elemental resist by 20%, good for elemental type and raid party.
Love Virus - increases the damage to the target by 20%
Summon Slime - The Ice Attack of Slime that freezes the enemy will give additional damage. (Search "Ice Stacking" for more info.)
NOTE: Always start by buffing yourself and your party. Before starting the attack, make sure that you as the Physician, debuffed the target first. This will help your party to deal more damage.
Utilizing your Slimes: To maximize the use of your slimes, make sure you have enough bubbles (6 or more) to get the useful attack of your slime. Watch your slime carefully after summoning. If you saw the slime casted the Ice Attack, you can now Sacrifice it for the party buff and healing. Spam your Injector to replenish the cooldown of Summon Slime.
Waxing: Wax is another important skill of the Academic. It gives an additional 50% movement speed to anyone who step on it, that last for 9 seconds. Always spam your Wax near or on the boss, this will help you and your party to move in and out of the boss' distance in any situations.
VI. The Mini-DPS Role
The Physician is far weaker than its counterpart Adept, but it doesn't mean that we don't have damage. We can still manage to DPS on our own and solo nests. *heh XD*
The best Skill of the Physician is the Mixed Infection, followed by Poison Break and Poison Pool (SS).
NOTE: Disease boosts the Mixed Infection and Poison Break damage
Forced Mix Infection
The damage of Mixed Infection is highly boosted from the Class Mastery III. To maximize the damage of the Mixed Infection, debuff first the target (Love Virus & Magma Punch) followed by Disease (which increases the Mixed Infection damage by 100%) and Force Out (which enhances the explosion damage by 200%)
Force Out Slime

Mixed Infection Explosion

NOTE: Make sure that you will successfully hit the SLIME from Force Out to obtain the additional explosion damage.
Poison Breaking - The Poison Break is also one of the best damaging skill of the Physician. It has a low cooldown and the instant Poison Break does not share cooldown. You should always use this skill next to Disease to maximize its damage.
Poison Striking - The Poison Strike is now the best damaging skill of the Physician. It has a cooldown of 13 seconds (with Cocktail Buff). Always spam this skill whenever it is ready.
VII. Skill Rotation
Here are some set of skill rotations and combinations that you can use to DPS as a Physician. First, you should always start by having 20 maximum bubbles and Cocktail Buff. Always use Love Virus and Magma Punch first because this will debuff your target. Love Virus gives 20% additional damage to the target. While Magma Punch decreases the elemental resist by 20% to the target.
This is my best skill rotation for the Revamped Physician
Slime Pool (If ready, you can also skip this and start with...) > Love Virus > Magma Punch > Disease > Poison Strike > Force Out > Mixed Infection > Poison Break > Poison Charging > Disease (if ready) > Poison Break Instant (click it really fast after casting Disease)
VIII. Physician Equipment
The Physician is an INT type and a pure DARK element skills. Boosting the Physician's INT will greatly enhance its Magic Attack. Pumping your Physician's DARK Attack will also help boost the damage of your skills.
The amount of Magic Attack that your Physician have, will greatly increase the amount of Heal Shower recovery. Equipment that boost the INT, Magic Attack, and DARK Attack is a big MUST.
To help your Physician do her role, having a high HP, Defense, and Magic Defense is also important. In the regular FOUR MAN NEST, it is okay to focus on your DPS and attacks, but in EIGHT MAN RAID NEST, it is very important to make sure you can withstand any attacks without getting one-hit. The support role of Physician in RAID NESTS are very important.
Suggested Equipment:
Important Stats: INT / Magic Attack / Max HP / Defense / Magic Defense / Dark Attack
Other/Optional Stats: Critical / Critical Damage / AGI / Final Damage
For Starters:
- The most convenient is the Neris Equipment (Can be bought on the Black Smith or loot on 95 Dungeons) and enhance it to +20
- If you got enough gold or materials, you can upgrade your +20 Neris Equipment to Medea Equipment
- Unique Rune Dragon Equipment is also an option and can be upgraded to Medea Equipment even without enhancing it
- After getting Medea Equipment Tier 1 and enhance it to +20, you can set your goal on attaining the Medea Tier 2. This is the best starter equipment now.
- You can get Legend Ice Dragon Equipment from Ice Dragon Nest or Legend Rune Dragon Equipment from Rune Dragon Nest, but this costs a lot.
- The best end game equipment is the Calypse Equipment which also cost a lot of gold.
- The Slayer Equipment that can be obtain by luck on Slayer Mode Nest.
Title: Title that boosts INT, Magic Attack or Dark Attack is a must.
- Skill Accessories (Mixed Infection, Disease, Poison Break, Auto Dispenser) Recommended for starters
- Legend Ice Dragon Accessories
- Legend Rune Dragon Accessories
- Genesis/Refined Accessories (BEST)
- Green Dragon Accessories (Unique for starters, Legend for end gears)
- Intellect
- Magic
- Health
- Life Vitality
- Iron Wall
- Tent
- Wind
- Fatal
Optional: Limitation, Ultimate, Attack
- Attack Fellowship
- Origin Fellowship
- Elevation Fellowship
- Chaos Fellowship (with INT/Magic Attack)
3rd/2nd Stats Option: INT or Magic Attack
Skill Heraldry:
- Injector CD
- Poison Break CD
- Love Virus Dmg or Disease Dmg
- Mixed Infection CD or Dmg
Optional: Wax CD
- Intellect
- Magic
- Wind
- Fatal
- Health
- Life Vitality
- Iron Wall
- Tent
Optional: Limitation, Ultimate
3rd/2nd Stats Option: INT or Magic Attack
Dragon Jade:
Armors: INT with VIT (highly recommended)
If you think you have enough high HP, you can go for INT with CRIT
Weapons: DARK ATTACK JADES (for damage)
MAGIC ATTACK JADES (for boosting heal effect)
Necklace & Earrings: Same with Armors
Rings: Same with Weapons
*I usually use DARK JADES on my Weapons and MAGIC JADES on my Rings*
"This guide is still on work for clean ups, changes, and corrections"
Special Thanks to: Xenocho -Senpai for mentioning and correcting my mistakes. And also for adding important details for the guide. Hontouni~ Arigatou Gozaimasu!
Konnichiwa!~ MilleFiyu desu!

I. Quick Introduction
I'm playing Physician since 50 cap and gained a lot of experience from it and I just wanted to share my knowledge about it.
Physician has a lot of duties both PVE and PVP. They are one of the best support class in the game. (I think next to Saint)
Physician can also be the main support like the Saint if handled very good. So I'm here to share some tips to the aspiring Physicians out there.
Now that the Physician Revamp has come to DN SEA server, there would be some changes in our class.
Our role is still the same which is a support and a mini-dps class. A lot of skills have changed in the revamp, so we must adjust a little.
So I would like to share to you guys my ideas and thoughts about these changes, and how are we going to deal with it.
Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas as well.
Okay so let’s start~
II. Some Questions
Q1: Why Physician?
A: Because it's a Loli!!!

Q2: Is Physician good for Main?
A: For me it is good too if you are not that into DPS type of player.
Q3: How good is the Physician DPS?
A: Sad to say but it isn't quite good. But if you are really a geared type of player, you can still feel its damage.
Q4: How good is the Physician Support?
A: It is very good if you ask. They can also overdo the Saint's job if handled very good.
Okay so let's begin!

III. Skill Description
First is knowing the Physician's role in PVE. They are one of the best support in game that can do various of work for the party.
Physician has a bit of a DPS, a very good Support, a very good Debuffer, and a very good Buffer.
Skill Tree
I'll be tackling the important skills on each tree and try to explain their use.
Academic Tree
Wax (Max) - This skill is very important. It gives an additional speed buff of 50% and a falling rate of 33% (for small to medium type of monsters). It must be maxed to decrease cooldown the skill cooldown.
Force Out (Max) - Force Out is one of the core skills for Physician on their mini-dps. Max this to boost the damage of the Class Master III.
Auto Dispenser - The best packed lunch. The Loli will summon a food dispenser which is packed with healing and buffing items randomly.
Bubble Bubble [Revamped] – As of today, the skill description is bugged, but I will try my best to explain its effect and changes. The skill has the same use from before. You can still use it to immobilize your target for a small amount of time, or to shield you allies. The buff effect of the skill has changed into a Super Armor Shield, granting your allies 40% SA (maxed) when they got hit.
Alchemist Tree
Bubble Charging Skills:These skills gives "Bubble". What is Bubble? Bubble is one of the most important part on playing the Alchemist. Every time you use these skills, the Alchemist will gain Bubble. These Bubbles can be stack up to 20 times and will be useful for some of the Alchemist Skills.
Injector (Max) - The Physician's most used skill. The damage is decent and is very spammable. Use this skill very often to generate bubbles fast.
Magma Punch - for debuff and bubble charging purposes only
Icing Punch - bubble charging purposes only
Disease (Max) - This skill is very important for the Physician's mini-dps. The poisoning last for 10 seconds with a 5% damage for 7 times.
Poison Charging [Revamped] - Changed from Passive to Active. You can still use the skill like before, by pressing Left Mouse Button after Tumble.This skill is one of the Utility skills of the Alchemist. This skill has a low damage increment and the sole purpose of the skill is to spam bubble and Poison Break EX.
Ice Palm (Optional) - damage & summon filler +1 bubble
Icing Mass (Optional) - damage filler & bubble charging
Bubble Using Skills: These skills uses Bubble. The bubbles are automatically used when the skill is used.
Summon Slime - The slime is the squishy best friend of Physician. They have a big role on supporting the Physician. The slime can be summoned twice. They last for 60 seconds.
- 2 Bubbles = Fire Attack
- 4 Bubbles = Poison Attack
- 6 Bubbles = Ice Attack - This is the most important skill of the Slime. It is highly recommended to summon them with 6 Bubbles and will serve as an ice stacker for the party. If the enemies are frozen, more damage.
- 3 Bubbles = 50% Damage Increase
- 5 Bubbles = 100% Damage Increase
- 3 Bubbles = 50% Damage Increase
- 5 Bubbles = 100% Damage Increase
- 3 Bubbles = 50% Damage Increase and enhances to 2.5m Radius
- 5 Bubbles = 100% Damage Increase and enhances to 3m Radius
- 3 Bubbles = 50% Damage Increase
- 5 Bubbles = 100% Damage Increase
- 3 Bubbles = 40% Damage Increase
- 5 Bubbles = 80 Damage Increase
Sacrifice- This will detonate the slime and damage the surrounding enemies. It will also give a buff that recovers 1% (0.4% before) of HP for 25 seconds.
Cocktail [Revamped] - The skill does not consume bubbles anymore. The skill duration is changed to 900 seconds (pretty long) and the effect is retained. Cooldown changed from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
- +50% INT
- +10% Healing Skills Recovery Rate (33% before)
- +25% Cooldown Reduction (22% before)
Eureka - Received damage reduces by 0.75% per bubble. A total of 15% damage reduction from 20 Bubbles.
Hypnosis - Utility skill, can be use after Injector by pressing the right mouse button.
Bubble Enhancers: These 2 passive skills of Alchemist will enhance the Bubble Charging skills from 1 Bubble to 2 Bubbles.
Chemical Bubble Charging - Obtains 2 bubbles from dark and healing skills: Injector, Poison Charging, Disease, Love Virus, Heal Shower
Elemental Bubble Charging - Obtain 2 bubble from fire and ice skills: Magma Punch, Icing Punch. Obtain 1 Bubble from: Icing Mass, Ice Palm, Napalm Bomb
Physician Tree
Love Virus [Revamped] - Damage increases from 317% to 1011%.
Heal Shower [Revamped] - The HP Recovery increases from 10% to 20% of the Max HP.
Poison Cure [New Skill] - Creates a gigantic heart that continuously cure any negative buffs on you and your allies every 2 seconds. The skill has 60 seconds cooldown and lasts for 10 seconds.
Injector EX [Revamped] - The previous [Awakened] Injector effect is applied in Injector EX.
Injector’s Attack increases by 80%/ Additional 10% Action Speed on you and your targeted ally that lasts for 25 seconds
Reduce the Summon Slime Cooldown by 1 second per hit (maximum of 10 seconds).
Poison Break EX [Revamped] - Can no longer use Special Attack to cure your allies. Additional Attack for Poison Break by 50% and changes the skill cooldown to 15 seconds. Use normal attack button (left mouse click) after the first strike to deal another damage.
Heal Shower EX [Revamped] - Heal Shower is enhanced. Recovers you and your party's HP every 2 seconds by 30% of the Physician's Magic Attack.
Disease EX - Two more bottle of poison will be thrown. This skill will give Plague to enemies. The Plague scatters to enemies nearby the affected target. This will boost the damage of Mixed Infection, Poison Break and Poison Break EX by 100%. Last for 10 seconds.
Poison Charging EX - Attack increases by 30% and an additional special attack for 30% (click left mouse button) after the twirl.
Class Mastery I - Gives a permanent 13% attack and 20% dark attack. Boost the attack by 13% for 10 seconds when using dark and healing skills.
Class Mastery II - Instant Poison Break whenever you use Poison Charging, they don't share cooldown.
Class Mastery III - Boost the damage of Force Out by 700%. If you successfully hit the Slime with Mixed Infection, the explosion will deal 200% of damage.
Awakening Tree
Poison Strike [Revamped] - This skill is the best dps skill of the Physician now. It has 16750% of damage (pretty good) with a wide range of effect that also damage surrounding enemies. The casting range to hit the target is also increased (less clumsy loli now) and has a cooldown of 17 seconds. (13 seconds cooldown when Cocktail is on, so it is very spammable)
Slime Pool - This skill will generate 5 Poison Slimes. Each slimes deals 1000% attack and 5% poison damage.
Awakened Disease - Generates poison pool. The Poison Pool has 384% of attack and last for 10 seconds,
Awakened Poison Break [Revamped] - Enhance the Poison break. Special attack of Poison Break EX (Click Left Mouse Button after the first strike) will explode Awakened Disease and enhances its explosion damage.
Awakened Sacrifice [Revamped] - The HP recovery buff is changed. It recovers 1% of HP every 2 seconds. Another HP Recovery is added that is 10% base of your magic attack, also every 2 seconds. The cooldown is changed to 60 seconds. The buff lasts for 25 seconds.
Awakened Love Virus [Revamped] - The area and the range of Love Virus is enhanced. Love Virus deals continuous damage along its path.
IV. Skill Build
Set A (Pure PVE Physician)
Set A skill build is for the Pure PVE Physicians. This skill build requires to max the Skills in the Physician Tree aside from Poison Charging. Why? Because the damage increment on each level of the skill is not that high, and we need to sacrifice some SP for other skills such as, Poison Cure (New skill that requires 10 SP), Bubble Bubble [Revamped] (for shielding and SA buff), Love Virus [Revamped] (better damage) and Force Out.
Set B (PVE + Magma Skills)
Set B is for the love of Magma Skills, like Magma Wall and Magma Wave. These 2 Alchemist Skill is also useful on clearing and wiping a wide area of enemies like in Daily Quests and the Gold Goblin Dungeon.
Set C (PVE&PVP Build)
Lastly is the Set C, for PVE and/or PVP players out there. Getting the Magma skills for AOE, Icing mass for slow and range.
V. The Supporting Role
As I said earlier, Physician has one of the best supporting role in the game. They can Heal, Cure, Buff and Debuff for the party.
So here are some tips to effectively fulfill the support role of your Physician.
A. Healing and Buffing
The Physician has three Healing with Buff Abilities, these are the: Auto Dispenser, Sacrifice and Heal Shower
Auto Dispenser - Always spam this skill whenever it is ready. It gives different set of 6 random items (Healing and Buffing) that will support your party.
I highly recommend to get +1 Skill Accessory for this skill to give a total of 8 items.
Sacrifice - This skill is also useful for your party. It recovers 1% of HP every 2 seconds. HP Recovery Buff is applied that is 10% base of your magic attack, also every 2 seconds. The buff also gives 5% Attack increase for you and your team mates. The buff lasts for 25 seconds.
Heal Shower - The main healing ability of Physician. It recovers 20% of Max HP.
NOTE: Class Mastery I boost the Physician attack for 10 seconds, whenever she uses her dark and healing abilities: Injector, Disease, Poison Charging, Love Virus and Healing Shower
Wax - Always spam this skill too to boost you and your party's mobility.
Injector - We Physicians always spam this skill to gain bubbles, and now, it also give 10% action speed buff. Party member/s who gets hit by the Injector will also receive the action speed buff. Spam Injector on boss, near the team mates who are dps-ing the boss, make sure you hit most of the DPS type class in the party.
Bubble Bubble - This skill is revamped and it gives 40% SA when maxed. It may be a little hard for you to use this on your party members, but it is also useful when you learn when and where you will shoot the skill. The bubble will travel and will give the shielding effect to any party members it hit. The best thing to do is use it in a close range while your team mates are dps-ing in one spot. Target this on the ground so more members will get hit.
B. Curing and Debuffing
After the current Physician revamp, the cure from Poison Break has been removed. New skill is added in the Physician Tree to replace the curing skill of Physician.
Poison Cure [New Skill] - Creates a gigantic heart that continuously cure any negative buffs on you and your allies every 2 seconds. The skill has 60 seconds cooldown and lasts for 10 seconds.
NOTE: Not all debuff effects can be cured esp. in Raid Nests
Physician also have the abilities to debuff their target:
Magma Punch - reduces the target's elemental resist by 20%, good for elemental type and raid party.
Love Virus - increases the damage to the target by 20%
Summon Slime - The Ice Attack of Slime that freezes the enemy will give additional damage. (Search "Ice Stacking" for more info.)
NOTE: Always start by buffing yourself and your party. Before starting the attack, make sure that you as the Physician, debuffed the target first. This will help your party to deal more damage.
Utilizing your Slimes: To maximize the use of your slimes, make sure you have enough bubbles (6 or more) to get the useful attack of your slime. Watch your slime carefully after summoning. If you saw the slime casted the Ice Attack, you can now Sacrifice it for the party buff and healing. Spam your Injector to replenish the cooldown of Summon Slime.
Waxing: Wax is another important skill of the Academic. It gives an additional 50% movement speed to anyone who step on it, that last for 9 seconds. Always spam your Wax near or on the boss, this will help you and your party to move in and out of the boss' distance in any situations.
VI. The Mini-DPS Role
The Physician is far weaker than its counterpart Adept, but it doesn't mean that we don't have damage. We can still manage to DPS on our own and solo nests. *heh XD*
The best Skill of the Physician is the Mixed Infection, followed by Poison Break and Poison Pool (SS).
NOTE: Disease boosts the Mixed Infection and Poison Break damage
Forced Mix Infection
The damage of Mixed Infection is highly boosted from the Class Mastery III. To maximize the damage of the Mixed Infection, debuff first the target (Love Virus & Magma Punch) followed by Disease (which increases the Mixed Infection damage by 100%) and Force Out (which enhances the explosion damage by 200%)
Force Out Slime
Mixed Infection Explosion
NOTE: Make sure that you will successfully hit the SLIME from Force Out to obtain the additional explosion damage.
Poison Breaking - The Poison Break is also one of the best damaging skill of the Physician. It has a low cooldown and the instant Poison Break does not share cooldown. You should always use this skill next to Disease to maximize its damage.
Poison Striking - The Poison Strike is now the best damaging skill of the Physician. It has a cooldown of 13 seconds (with Cocktail Buff). Always spam this skill whenever it is ready.
VII. Skill Rotation
Here are some set of skill rotations and combinations that you can use to DPS as a Physician. First, you should always start by having 20 maximum bubbles and Cocktail Buff. Always use Love Virus and Magma Punch first because this will debuff your target. Love Virus gives 20% additional damage to the target. While Magma Punch decreases the elemental resist by 20% to the target.
This is my best skill rotation for the Revamped Physician
Slime Pool (If ready, you can also skip this and start with...) > Love Virus > Magma Punch > Disease > Poison Strike > Force Out > Mixed Infection > Poison Break > Poison Charging > Disease (if ready) > Poison Break Instant (click it really fast after casting Disease)
VIII. Physician Equipment
The Physician is an INT type and a pure DARK element skills. Boosting the Physician's INT will greatly enhance its Magic Attack. Pumping your Physician's DARK Attack will also help boost the damage of your skills.
The amount of Magic Attack that your Physician have, will greatly increase the amount of Heal Shower recovery. Equipment that boost the INT, Magic Attack, and DARK Attack is a big MUST.
To help your Physician do her role, having a high HP, Defense, and Magic Defense is also important. In the regular FOUR MAN NEST, it is okay to focus on your DPS and attacks, but in EIGHT MAN RAID NEST, it is very important to make sure you can withstand any attacks without getting one-hit. The support role of Physician in RAID NESTS are very important.
Suggested Equipment:
Important Stats: INT / Magic Attack / Max HP / Defense / Magic Defense / Dark Attack
Other/Optional Stats: Critical / Critical Damage / AGI / Final Damage
For Starters:
- The most convenient is the Neris Equipment (Can be bought on the Black Smith or loot on 95 Dungeons) and enhance it to +20
- If you got enough gold or materials, you can upgrade your +20 Neris Equipment to Medea Equipment
- Unique Rune Dragon Equipment is also an option and can be upgraded to Medea Equipment even without enhancing it
- After getting Medea Equipment Tier 1 and enhance it to +20, you can set your goal on attaining the Medea Tier 2. This is the best starter equipment now.
- You can get Legend Ice Dragon Equipment from Ice Dragon Nest or Legend Rune Dragon Equipment from Rune Dragon Nest, but this costs a lot.
- The best end game equipment is the Calypse Equipment which also cost a lot of gold.
- The Slayer Equipment that can be obtain by luck on Slayer Mode Nest.
Title: Title that boosts INT, Magic Attack or Dark Attack is a must.
- Skill Accessories (Mixed Infection, Disease, Poison Break, Auto Dispenser) Recommended for starters
- Legend Ice Dragon Accessories
- Legend Rune Dragon Accessories
- Genesis/Refined Accessories (BEST)
- Green Dragon Accessories (Unique for starters, Legend for end gears)
- Intellect
- Magic
- Health
- Life Vitality
- Iron Wall
- Tent
- Wind
- Fatal
Optional: Limitation, Ultimate, Attack
- Attack Fellowship
- Origin Fellowship
- Elevation Fellowship
- Chaos Fellowship (with INT/Magic Attack)
3rd/2nd Stats Option: INT or Magic Attack
Skill Heraldry:
- Injector CD
- Poison Break CD
- Love Virus Dmg or Disease Dmg
- Mixed Infection CD or Dmg
Optional: Wax CD
- Intellect
- Magic
- Wind
- Fatal
- Health
- Life Vitality
- Iron Wall
- Tent
Optional: Limitation, Ultimate
3rd/2nd Stats Option: INT or Magic Attack
Dragon Jade:
Armors: INT with VIT (highly recommended)
If you think you have enough high HP, you can go for INT with CRIT
Weapons: DARK ATTACK JADES (for damage)
MAGIC ATTACK JADES (for boosting heal effect)
Necklace & Earrings: Same with Armors
Rings: Same with Weapons
*I usually use DARK JADES on my Weapons and MAGIC JADES on my Rings*
"This guide is still on work for clean ups, changes, and corrections"
Special Thanks to: Xenocho -Senpai for mentioning and correcting my mistakes. And also for adding important details for the guide. Hontouni~ Arigatou Gozaimasu!