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Weapon Maeda Error

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  • Weapon Maeda Error

    Yesterday ( 12 - 06 - 2018 ) My Ray Mechanic hit max lvl ( 95 ) and i got the 1 set tier 2 maeda as promosied I CHOICE CANNON of course i choose cannon it's ray mecha weapon but today ( 13 - 06 - 2018) my cannon changed into kabala how the hell is this even happening i can't play my ray mecha now because the weapon.

    Pls help me with this error

  • #2
    Lol first of all did u REALLY chose Canon, cuz these error dont happen like that overnight, its the user that did the mistake. And i dout we can help with that, only thing i can say is switch to Hero Neris +20 From the Blacksmith and farm for a Canon Medea t2.
    ~Experience Is Key, Live Life, Dream Big~


    • Candorebanto
      Candorebanto commented
      Editing a comment
      I REALLY choose a cannon there's a cannon in 2nd section of maeda weapon and i CHOOSE IT, and cannon is the first item i choose before anything else
      Last edited by Candorebanto; 06-13-2018, 10:58 AM.

  • #3
    Problem 2: Selected the wrong weapon for your job
    ^_^ Solution:
    i) Go to Blacksmith, Craft Weapon Converter - (Tier 2 Medea - Tier 1 Calypse) and use it on your weapon.
    ii) Go to Nest Point Shop, Buy Legend Main Weapon Converter to convert to the weapon you wants (It works for lvl 95 Weapons too)
    eg: You get a Long bow, using that Legend Main Weapon Converter. You can change to Short Bow
    【Warning】Only can change weapon for the Same class.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	30710089_2116796671683309_8486878552539529216_n.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	79.0 KB
ID:	140715Click image for larger version

Name:	30706948_2116828188346824_2260867980000755712_n.jpg
Views:	142
Size:	69.0 KB
ID:	140716

    Credits: Irine Chan


    • Candorebanto
      Candorebanto commented
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      i'm really sure i'm choose cannon, but thank you for the solution

  • #4
    LMAO I CRI. This is actually the first time I've heard of such 'bug'. Human error.

    Anyhow, you could either farm again from scratch or convert your Medea T2 +20 Kabala into a Calypse T1 Kabala then purchase a 'Legend Weapon Converter' (dunno the exact name) in the Nest Point Store to convert your Calypse Kabala into a Calypse Cannon.


    • EliakimNeo
      EliakimNeo commented
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      Theres ur answer bruv theres no Error or Bug.

  • #5
    It's just human error, I think it's impossible that the cannon you "choose" apparently transforms into a kabala.... this is not fairy tale dude nothing happens like that. Your best possible solution is to either turn that kabala into a calypse then use the Legend Main Weapon Converter or just farm another Medea T2 Cannon but the best choice is the calypse thing.

    But still sad lyfe for you.


    • Candorebanto
      Candorebanto commented
      Editing a comment
      ya still sad lyfe

  • #6
    They fixed this bug some time ago. Unless there are others to support your claim, I doubt the old ghost resurfaced.
    Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
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