so what is the change for artillery's magical breeze?
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KDN April 2018 Skill Changes (PVE)
base on the kdn update patch of april, and the boost for sniper, it looks like the sniper class would be relisted from medium tier dps to top tier dps because of the wind arrow accumulation increase from 1 to 4, which means just 5 hits, you can activate windshaft as soon as possible, and also the damage is increased by 5000% base for lvl 1 siege stance, and increase by 1000% per level of siege stance added, and because there is 14 levels of Siege stance (excluding lvl1 which already adds up 5000% base dmg) there's a total of 19000% for wind shaft damage, this is a really great boost considering adding up the chance you can spam your wind shaft, this is devastating rather if it hits the target because sometimes it doesn't hit the target because the wind shaft is affected by latency ingame, so if your internet gets a bit crappy, you might miss the shot (current tool tip of the wind shaft damage is 90% of charged shot's damage per hit) lets say the hits where 45, multiply the damage of wind shaft per hit, it could only deal 4050% of damage, and since there's a really huge difference, thats just to say she can go top tier dps, that's my opinion.
NearLawlet can i confirm this? "Awakened Siege Stance (Accumulate) Wind Arrow acquisition 1 per shot > 4 per shot" is it 4 wind arrows accumulated every shot of siegestance / activation of charged shot and arrow shower in siegestance mode? or is it 4 shots required to get 1 wind arrow?