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Stat Inconsistency?

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  • Stat Inconsistency?

    So, I recently pumped up in gearing my character when I felt that there is really a stat inconsistency, I may be wrong though and I'm not sure how to explain this so, forgive me.

    For example:

    Me and my friend always run duo in nests, during that time, we we're both have +20 Neris Medea set and we can clear it with flying colors. Up until recently we felt that the nests, bosses have gotten a little tougher and we got a little weaker? (Now that we joined gachalicious event) our dps meter went down, we barely even reached 300k attacks (with jades, talis, heralds, etc). I am not going to tackle technicalities since I don't really know how to calculate stuff but yeah.

    I'm aware DN is fond of doing ninja patch, I am not implying anything here it's just that no matter how we try to get stronger, bosses get stronger too.

    I remember we can yolo VN Norm, right now, just 2-4 hits, you might be dead.

    Especially 90 nests (not slayer mode) I can feel a small significant boost (I am talking about the clear time).

    Do I really need to have a full geared calypse in order to be strong? isn't medea +20 enough. Even the simplest thing is so hard here~ ;_;")>

    Move VN in 93 nests and move Granom to 95 nests. it's seems fair to me. kidding.
    My title might not be the correct title, let me know.
    No hate, just wondering.
    Last edited by yueruchi; 04-26-2018, 08:17 PM.

  • #2
    Some questions:
    1. Are you sure that your Medea set is the correct stat for your classes?
    2. Is it possible if you could post a screenshot of your stat with Neris and Medea set?

    PS: No hate.
    "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
    - Albert Einstein

    Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


    • yueruchi
      yueruchi commented
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      Yesyes, I am a dark summoner with 3 hectors and t2 medea int/agi stats for the rest of equips

    • BananaCredits
      BananaCredits commented
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      Then I could not think of any possible causes of this. Sorry.

  • #3
    ddnt notice changes in boss stats.. but the 1st boss and that chicken in last stage of VN is buggy this patch. dunno the cause but sometimes they are doing some ninja attacks..
    but i feel it more challenging this way,.. atleast you can notice it base on sounds and slight reactions from the boss..

    seriously aside from VN/GGN and MN we need more real time action gameplay nests..
    so far from the current 8man nests they are more on floor mechanics than action pace gameplay.. not sure on GDN never stepped on the grounds of that raid.

    so if you find the nest more challenging, i think you will become more absorbed in this game..
    trust me enjoy that feeling now.. once you get your calypse T2+20 you will want to remove your set and solo VN naked for fun and for the challenge XD


    • #4
      Neris Medea set?

      I'm not sure what's the problem here. I can solo VN Hell with my sub Crusader (Medea T2 +20, 460k patk 420k matk) under 20 minutes without dying/using potion.


      • yueruchi
        yueruchi commented
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        That was like months ago, the problem is, it felt like they keep revamping nest. I can feel the insignificant rise 'cause I always do nest. like all of the nest

      • acevanlee
        acevanlee commented
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        i do Vn hell like 20+ times a day the past 2wks.. nver noticed changes on boss stats those times.. and yeah maybe they were nerfed (post below) those times you yoloed it..

      • Nimmienaticz
        Nimmienaticz commented
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        i don't feel anything strange btw. All problems i have on my SB is all about mech's framing scheme which can turn tides in favor to the boss or into me.

    • #5
      Are you comparing to the times during events where boss stat is nerfed? We do have some of those..
      Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
      Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
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      • yueruchi
        yueruchi commented
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        no, not those nest debuff events

    • #6
      Am I the only one who's sensitive here? ;_;
      Nevermind, thanks for your replies


      • acevanlee
        acevanlee commented
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        nah seriously nothing was changed.. and btw clear time and dps depends on 3 main factors.
        (ill explain it based on VN)

        1. Boss mechanics
        sample: 1st stage boss' 3x stomp, chicken flying off somewhere or boss might run to hazard areas (lava) whereas youll have to halt your dps temporarily etc
        2. character skill's proc chances if applicable. sample: flurry's vulnerable buff/ justice buff (managing to pop all)
        3. your gameplay at every run changes - self explanatory :3

    • #7
      To me, I am able to go Hell Mode Nests with Medea +20 w/ Unique Jades from my main char.
      Hopefully, I haven't tried Medea +20 for raid as a DPS Role.

      Maybe you need to re-apply some new rotations about your class to achieve what you want to see.
      Because as far as i know, there classes with big inconsistency about the dps,
      but with well-organized rotation, you will achieve consistency on their dps.

      As for example,
      My inqui has better stat numbers compare to my sb,
      but after I developed a new skill rotation for sb,
      I can say that my sb is far way better than my inqui with same gears (old rotation).
      Dps comparison: 408m vs 281m
      Last edited by Nimmienaticz; 04-26-2018, 10:03 PM.
      Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


      • Mr.Shovels
        Mr.Shovels commented
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        its because of the skill damage output, SB's has better skill damage output bcause of their awakening, ofc inqui hasn't got their revamp since a long time ago.
        they really need to fix the skills in DN to have a class balancing in PVE, so everybody doesn't need to compare which class is better than the other.

      • Nimmienaticz
        Nimmienaticz commented
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        To me, my pre awk sb deals more dmg than my inqui with same gears heraldries & talismans.

    • #8
      It's only in your head man.


      • #9
        Nest Debuff

        Monsters’ HP and Attack Stat will decrease by 20% during the event period in Dark Mist Nest (Normal/Hardcore/Hell).

        Event Period: 21st April (Sat) 09:00 ~ 27th April (Fri) 24:00
        this is posted on their april calendar, i felt that i've become stronger when i tried doing rudn 4man solo... yet it was still tough to do...
        and then i saw this at april calendar, i felt stupid to even believe i was strong even with calypse weapons... t1 +8 calypse main weapon isn't much of a difference with medea t2 +20.

        there seems to be a bug in the damage RNG in the game, if you feel like your damage seems to be insignificantly lower than the previous times you were doing damage to the same enemy with the same stats and same hp.

        the MIN~MAX damage output of a character determines how much damage you deal, if your MIN or minimum damage has a large gap between your MAX damage, you must be dealing with MIN dmg most of the time that is why your character deals less damage than what you've been dealing with from before.


        • #10
          Hey in 2 month's they will remove old Nests again anyway
          Just enjoy and hunt achievements before it
          Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


          • #11
            Yes. I agree .. nerf those 93 mother f kn HC nests
            They are much more harder than 95 HC
            ~ Hurri can DANCE ~


            • Nimmienaticz
              Nimmienaticz commented
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              I agree. VN HC = 3 mins > SDN HC = 6 minutes.

            • Mr.Shovels
              Mr.Shovels commented
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              when did you finish vn hc in 3 mins? is it this week?