I did a little thing that I thought of while being bored waiting for my Hybrid FATIGUE system reset.
So I tried an EXPERIMENT in acting as a newbie and asking people about where should I go level or what dungeon should I enter at my current level etc. etc.
In three of my characters that I made, many newbies I came across are fun people. While doing dungeons with them, they really enjoy this game even though they just started in Dragon nest SEA, and it was fun for me as well. Maybe 90% of the newbies I played with are fun people hahaha.
After that first experiment, I tried interacting with max leveled players for the second experiment, asking them about what dungeon should I go with my current level, and fun questions like how to get to saint haven and such hahaha. With all my three characters that I made for the experiment, I experienced the cruelty of max leveled players. Or should I say, scammers.. how sad. Technically, even though I acted as a NEWBIE, it may seem like I still don't know the game to them so it's not technically a scam, YET. Because, you know, apprentice slots can be sold with a price in the future right? SCAMMED! hahaha!. Every character that I made, I maxed the slot of Masters for apprenticeship, can you believe it? hahaha. 9 max leveled players said that they would help me in my leveling, and specifically said that being a Master and Apprentice in a dungeon DOES NOT consume their Fatigue (mostly they said this). Some left after being my Master, and some brought me in front of the dungeon and said that they don't have anymore fatigue (lmao lmao).
Oh I forgot one thing, 5 of the 9 players BEGGED to be like before I get boost (which didn't even happen, no boost acquired lol)
9 out of 9 max leveled players I interacted were scammers, not a single level, not a single dungeon run.
All I could remember was the thrill and excitement and fun of the newbies that I interacted during my leveling at 10-24, and beyond that, well... what trash. Is this what the new players experience in this game now? I was just curious at the beginning, but now I realized that I am glad I did this even though it was supposed to be for FUN.
Oh yeah, I encountered some players who just used their second character or something. I think you guys agree that it was fun right, whoever you are. Hahahaha!
Thanks a lot for the time on reading this, I really appreciate it.
So I tried an EXPERIMENT in acting as a newbie and asking people about where should I go level or what dungeon should I enter at my current level etc. etc.
In three of my characters that I made, many newbies I came across are fun people. While doing dungeons with them, they really enjoy this game even though they just started in Dragon nest SEA, and it was fun for me as well. Maybe 90% of the newbies I played with are fun people hahaha.
After that first experiment, I tried interacting with max leveled players for the second experiment, asking them about what dungeon should I go with my current level, and fun questions like how to get to saint haven and such hahaha. With all my three characters that I made for the experiment, I experienced the cruelty of max leveled players. Or should I say, scammers.. how sad. Technically, even though I acted as a NEWBIE, it may seem like I still don't know the game to them so it's not technically a scam, YET. Because, you know, apprentice slots can be sold with a price in the future right? SCAMMED! hahaha!. Every character that I made, I maxed the slot of Masters for apprenticeship, can you believe it? hahaha. 9 max leveled players said that they would help me in my leveling, and specifically said that being a Master and Apprentice in a dungeon DOES NOT consume their Fatigue (mostly they said this). Some left after being my Master, and some brought me in front of the dungeon and said that they don't have anymore fatigue (lmao lmao).
All I could say was, "Okay! thanks a lot for the help anyways hahahaha."
Oh I forgot one thing, 5 of the 9 players BEGGED to be like before I get boost (which didn't even happen, no boost acquired lol)
9 out of 9 max leveled players I interacted were scammers, not a single level, not a single dungeon run.
All I could remember was the thrill and excitement and fun of the newbies that I interacted during my leveling at 10-24, and beyond that, well... what trash. Is this what the new players experience in this game now? I was just curious at the beginning, but now I realized that I am glad I did this even though it was supposed to be for FUN.
Oh yeah, I encountered some players who just used their second character or something. I think you guys agree that it was fun right, whoever you are. Hahahaha!
Thanks a lot for the time on reading this, I really appreciate it.