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costume converter questions

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  • costume converter questions

    hello, i have been searching on google about the costume converter as to where a part of a costume required by the converter is used, it will be converted into a unique rarity costume, but i still have some questions regarding to this that i can't seem to find on googling it:
    1. You can convert a part of a costume into a unique rarity one with higher stats from before, but can you convert any type of costumes? or it is limited to few?
    2. After the conversion, would the appearance of the costume change? if not, can you change its appearance or how it looks like a costume synthesizer? do you have to use one?
    3. Can you convert an Overall costume? (i am talking about the One piece costumes that includes upper, lower, gloves, shoes) i know you can make a converted costume into an overall but you need an upper, lower, gloves and shoes already converted and use the mirror located at saint haven.
    4. can you use TW to increase the times you can sell it on TH? (lets say i made a mistake by purchasing the converter part wrong, instead of upper, i purchased lower)
    5. also if anyone knows of future updates in KDN, or their plans, would there actually be a converter for the weapons? or even a synthesizer so we can change the looks of our weapons?

    That's all, i am very sorry for the trouble of asking

  • #2
    Are you talking about the conversion costume?
    As I haven't got my hands on one of those item, it would be better that I leave it for others to answer you with more accurate information.

    As far as I know, CDN recently introduced unique grade conversion weapons.
    I believe JDN have unique grade conversion decal and others accessories too (not sure tho, I read it some where in CDN forum)

    So yes, there is a chance that unique grade conversion weapons and accessories will be introduce in DNSEA.


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
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      thank you!

  • #3
    As I know, conversion costume is not obtained through "converting an existing Epic costume", but it is through Converstion Treasure Boxes. Think of them like how you get Aisha costume weapon.
    Anyhow, lets summon NearLawlet if there is any future patch about this.
    Appearance of conversion costume is decided from the mirror you mentioned.
    About Conversion Weapons, yes there is, so we will get it in future.
    TW cant be used on conversion costume. If you were to sell it, you need to sell it when it is still in the Conversion Pouch (not box).
    "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
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    Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
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      thank you!

  • #4
    1. As far as I know, there is no restriction with the costume template. You can use virtually any set and still benefit from the unique conversion stats.

    2. Unique conversion merely replace the stats of your template. It does not change the costume appearance.

    3. I've seen BanmaBanma use his unique conversion costume with Lancea awakening costume (which is an Overall set consisting of 1 headgear and 1 full suit), so yes you can use it on Overall costume.

    4. Unfortunately I don't have experience with this, so I cannot give you concrete answer. Though I highly doubt you can use TW on a purchased conversion pouch.

    5. There hasn't been any mention of unique weapon conversion being planned for release in any DN server.

    EDIT: It seems there really are Unique Weapon Conversion parts, though they have yet to be released for SEA server. My apologies for the confusion.
    Last edited by NearLawlet; 04-01-2018, 08:29 PM.


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
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      ahhh ok... thanks...

      but the stats are the same as a 4 part unique costume, upper lower gloves and shoes right? so i think i get it now

      so if i have a conversion pouch for upper, and use it on my overall, would i only get the "upper" body stats of a unique upper body costume? because i've seen many conversion pouches part by parts when someone is messaging them via bluebird

    • NearLawlet
      NearLawlet commented
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      Yes, that would be the case.

    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
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      ok! thanks for the time answering all of my questions!

  • #5
    You can actually convert any Rarity of the costume (Normal, Magic, Rare , Epic) to unique... And there is actualy a Unique Weapon convertion in INA


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
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      so, it all comes down to what piece of costume you really like, and fits your style huh... well then now plans are set... looks like i know what to do when i get rich

    • NearLawlet
      NearLawlet commented
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      Can you provide any picture for this 'Unique Weapon Conversion'?

      EDIT: Nvm, found it.
      Last edited by NearLawlet; 04-01-2018, 08:27 PM.