i find it stupid that every time a guardian uses a buff that increases its max hp it gets 1 hit by some failed mechs with percentage hp as damage >-< will it be permamnent like that? guardian already having a hard time to find pt and still dies easily in failed mechs :x feelsbadman
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Guardian increase hp buffs
Don’t use the health buff before a mechanic like that is all I can suggest, it’s fine as is now honestly.Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!
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Actually, I'm not sure what do you mean. Doesn't Guardian Shield allow recipients to tank pt wipe mech sometimes (which without it would mean death)? I thought this was a good thing.Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
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It could be a matter of perspective, you can either see the most of the time that you're max HP is high = die easily on failed mechs with percertange HP as dmg or the most of the time that you're max HP is high = higher protection for your party mates, due to this last one point of view i see DP buff (cant be buff wiped btw) pretty useful, also can you tell what exactly mechs are you talking about? Because at raids (practically the only nests where you will need a Guardian) i cant remember that much mech based on percertange HP as dmg if fail, at IDN i can only remember Dragon's swipe tail and at RuDN the ones i can remember if you fail them means it wasnt your day (lag =v), your pt is lacking DPS or you shouldnt tank them in first place.
So i cant properly see your struggle about this xd
if i recall the 2nd part in granom does hp% damage if u fail to destroy the tomb stones. ye. our pt not that good thats why we play safe having a healer and guardian. dunno feels sad to be killed when im the guardian and still have high hp ;-;
if it makes you feel better, i play Defensio, best shield in the game, it protects 140k HP but elevates your PDEF to 85%, im not 100% sure how it works but it wont dissapear for a hit of 140k+ dmg, so the hit need to be painful af to can remove my shield and i still die cause of these HP% mechs, the thing is, i know what youre talking about and how it feels q~q.
So my recommendation is to not worry that much about this, theres some mechs that are this annoying thats all, even if you can die easily if fail them being the guard, the ideal is not to fail them and most important the advantanges about having high hp the most of the time stays better than the disadvantages.
And about this specific mech at granom, wait to use DP until 1st statue mech has passed
All i can say is
i really hate granom nest as a guardian LOL
i only do it when I don’t care about my revive hearts
dw you can do volcano nest and laugh as everyone else gets stomped on and die, unless u bubbleLast edited by ceruulean; 11-03-2017, 01:18 PM.*
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Who guards the guardians?