Okay i was playing today and it was in DWC, i was chatting with my teammates but unfortunately, the other team responds. I don't know but this happens to me everytime. Also apart from that, my personal information like my accounts in Facebook and Twitter was also seen and I'm being stalked everytime I online. Somewhat scary because my privacy is at stake. I'm not using a personal computer and in the cybercafe no one would make fun out of me because the game was dead here. Is it me the only one experiencing the same kind of fuss? I really do have evidence but it was recently deleted and i'm really down with that.
No announcement yet.
See through chats or even more so...
Not really, one of your team mates might be together with one of your enemy members, or that player who's talking to you, and that they can see each other's chat fine, it's more like of a tag team and they can both take advantage of it and such, happened to me once when i was still doing a bit of pvp with my cousins.
And if you're on a computer rental, make sure no any other devices are connected onto the back I/O of the computer unit and it should only have plugs for a mouse, keyboard, maybe headphones, and an HDMI plugged in for the monitor, if there are other things such as a flash drive connected on to the unit, observe other computer units if there is the same thing connected into it and be sure if it is a flash drive, because there are times some other computer rentals or internet cafes tend to use a shielding for the I/O at the back of the unit in order to prevent anyone on connecting suspicious programs using a flash drive onto the computer in order to use keylogging and scripts that manifest on to the computer's system and that messes up someone's day for sure if the purpose of those are to record their typing session and discover passwords and account details, ofc its an easy task if the unit isn't protected at all.
If you are worried for your privacy and your information leaked, always secure your facebook and twitter account and never share them to anyone ingame, and especially if you post stuff like a screenshot of your game on your profile page on your facebook or twitter, some people will eventually know who you really are, so in that case, be sure to not do that, or maybe omit your IGN on any of the screenshots of your game that you are going to post on your social media account, in this way your privacy is safe, and since DN is a place where a lot of people are scammer, and a-holes, don't bother trusting anyone you don't know personally in the game, even that someone is an online friend you just met on facebook (well not for me, i know someone who's nice enough to call me noob and i accept that, now that person is doing good on an engineering related job)
My guess maybe this is just a simple bug maybe and don't just over react on it just like what i did, and maybe you will live a happy life and play the game with no worries at all, and don't share your account details to anyone other than your parents.
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Those are just stupid rumors from stupid people, no 3rd party program has the ability to actually mess around with another player over the internet it is because their so called "3rd party programs" is required to actually access the server in order to disconnect a player, if it can do that it means ED or from before CC doesn't have good enough security to actually fight off any cyber attacks against their servers, it means they are not capable of maintaining the game for that long.
Rumors are rumors, no programs can do that, and there's a game security program installed on dn folder anyways, if you try to remove that DN wouldn't run, well that's different from the program CC provided tho, but the current security for ED's is tougher, it detects any 3rd party programs that manipulates any kind of scripts running from the background that in regards that would be injected into the game, and the security program would actually detect that, close the game, and viola it will send data over to ED's and whoever's account is present at the time of detection they will ban it, not sure how innocent players like those who posts here in the forums that gets banned but i am thinking that's how their system works.
And SoulCrack is a popular Dark Avenger player, being famous means there's a lot of haters around, so it's just a rumor in my opinion
Seen the video, it looks like he has a lot of haters not because of how good he plays and people envy him but because of his attitude as well, he's arrogant base on how he chooses his words on that video, very vulgar anyway but that doesn't mean he's entirely a rude person, can't judge someone just because he's mad against all of his haters at some point, and it looks like he hates one of the Filipino players on BlackcatPH and with the PH it means its a Pinoy base guild, and i can say that a lot of Filipinos out there that plays DN especially pvp are all a-holes and didn't get to learn good manners from their parents whatsoever, online chatting isn't something you can just say f u to everyone or talk trash to someone at some point, these guys are the reason why pvp 1v1 isn't entirely fun than it should be for most people, and even if you kick their asses in a 1v1, they tend to retaliate and talk trash against you, their dumb in my opinion those types of players doesn't really deserve one bit of any good pvp player's attention, staying quiet is the best way to insult them back on their dirty ass mouths.
Anyways, rumors are rumors, he may have just stayed quiet and didn't get banned, because there's really no possible way that a 3rd party program could do anything like that, disconnecting a player on purpose? that's some hacking scenes on a movie right there, and it's not really possible without having access to the server, even chat moderators needs a different type of program to monitor chat while they play, and the only thing they can do is relay any information towards their head quarters to remove, ban and that disconnects a player live within the game.
He has a lot of haters spreading a lot of rumors that he's using dirty tricks to win a game but in all reality, it's all just bunch of rubbish from players who are idiots that cannot win a 1v1 against a skilled and seasoned pvp player, and not to mention Dark Avengers are slower than most class when casting their animation without their transformation, that's already an advantage on their part but it looks like they just suck in pvp that's all.
All of this " investigation " on the issue you divulged is alarming , it only lacks
credibility one that I strongly sympathetically consider.
What the chat suggests a Bourne conspiracy type of thing.
If your security (settings) on FB or @twitter is what you are really
concerned of there is an option of configuration.
Problem solved.http://dnmgame.com.tw/sea_sqdl/en.php
Priestess of Darkness THRONE OF ELVES
WONDERFUL THEME PARK Store( Hero Synthesis)
Yup, rumors are rumors, if there are no solid proofs then there's really not much to worried about the "hacks" and stuff.
and chat is chat, DN is full of bugs, could have been that the chat system at that time on dwc might have been bugged or something, not really a matter to prioritize as of now by some authorities in ED
Thanks for the information guys. Though, I really am aware of that but data breach isn't something everyone can expect. Thanks for the suggestions and everything.I'll update this thread if I experience the same thing again for more proofs.
~ Dark Summoner from the Old Westwood~
-Chief Executor-