Repair fee nets me a negative in lower level dungeon runs thus forcing me to run higher levels that I don't want to run just to net a positive. Also, additional input below this post for updates. It could probably be a bug since I didn't die but fuck me, penalizing this hard for dying/leaving makes me question the decision making in ED's team.
Before anything, I have finished all my main quest/side quest/board quest/remote quest and I'm just a mere casual player that can play one hour a day because I've got work to do, so all I've got going for me is doing the daily quests. It's a neat to-do list for me complete before I head to bed and it gives me a decent amount of profit (As long as I do it religiously) but the new implementation of the repair fee absolutely fucks all of that up.
So, I was checking out the new patch notes today and I was nodding my head for majority of them. I was excited to get on, explore the new dungeons, and revitalize my experience in DN after a near decade of playing since OBT. I booted up DN, took on the daily quest, and ran it. So far, so good, until I hit the end of the dungeon where they tally up your points (Which doesn't mean much) and got this:

EXHIBIT A. Absolute fuck-you repair fee
Oh yeah, definitely a reasonable cost (Disclaimer: This isn't the repair fee you'll get for running a single dungeon but it's still pretty high, where I net 51 gold of fee for a 36 gold of income, netting me a negative 15 gold)
What the fuck is this? What insane heresy am I seeing? Are you telling me that I have to pay more than I earn in a single dungeon run at normal? Since when was a patch so backwards thinking that you actually net a LOSS when you continue playing a damn dungeon? With all my excitement gone, I immediately went back to the patch notes to continue reading (Because God knows what else they'd put in there) and saw this table:

EXHIBIT B. Change your set, play a higher difficulty that you don't want, or incur our wrath of Repair Nest
They're basically forcing you to switch to certain gears, just so you could pay less. The idea that you have to own multiple sets, just to bypass the damn repair fee, is absolutely mind boggling. It's either that, or you play in higher difficulties, which I can't be assed with because of my work schedule.
I just want to play the game casually and for fun. I don't want to look at it (or treat it) as a job, where I have to work my ass off like it's full-time. Sure, most guys who have high amounts of gold in the reserve wouldn't give that much of a shit but it just goes against the mentality of having to play the game at your own pace, without having the system dictating me to change the set I worked for just to avoid the repair fee.
Now, I'm not the type to just complain and offer no options for improvement. I'm a firm believer that if you're going to talk shit, you should get ready to show some shit. So, without further ado, here are my suggestions to resolve, or at least improve, this repair fee shenanigans:
(1) Remove the repair fee. Having to repair your weapons has been a useless trait in the game that no one absolutely cared about (Until now, where it affects the players in a negative way, rather than a positive one).
(2) Replace the fee with a different currency that is not used as the main currency for MOST things in the game. Use Dungeon Points instead. Seriously. I'm already doing my best to save up as much gold for the ridiculous enhancing costs I have to incur just level my gear to +1.
(3) Keep the current repair fee but increase the amount of gold earned in LOWER levels. I can understand higher levels would net you higher income but running a dungeon should NOT net you a negative, irregardless of the level you run, due to player's having different mindsets and preferences in running (Personally, I just run the easiest and get my daily tasks as fast as possible). It's just backwards thinking.
Am I salty? Yes.
Am I butthurt? Yes.
Is this a legitimate complaint? If you're like me, who actually has life outside and doesn't revolve around the game, then you bet your ass it is.
Will ED listen? Eh. Maybe. They've definitely gotten better over the years but I wouldn't hope much.
Hotel? Trivago.
The reason why I'm voicing out my concerns in this tone is because I just want this game to be better. Even with all the stuff I spouted, I still do love this game and I hope it picks up to where it left off at the golden 40 cap era. Apologies for the swearing but I'm just appalled at the fact that someone in the team allowed this to happen. Actually, scratch that. This is ED we're talking about. I'm not shocked. I'm just dissapointed (again). The patch notes were decent and definitely had their good points but we can't just allow this kind of illogical decision to pass by our radar, or else they'll just keep repeating it.
Again, don't fix what isn't broken. Feel free to agree or disagree with me. I'm just trying to get a discussion started here for people who don't have a lot of gold in their reserves and probably voicing out the people who think the same. Please prove me wrong because I'd love to be proven wrong just so I can get back into the game with a positive outlook because this is just mental.

EXHIBIT C. Realizing when the class you chose is fucked but you've already been fucked by ED for near a decade
mfw you actually don't have to pay anything if you don't get hit but now half of your skills are absolute trash as a full tank Guardian
mfw you actually don't have to pay anything if you don't get hit but now half of your skills are absolute trash as a full tank Guardian
Additional input:
(1) You get penalized for Disconnecting. ( ; )
(2) Your durability drops when your heroes die.
(3) Your durability drops when you get hit*.
*Need more data on this.
EDIT: If you spot some shit I didn't get to notice, then do point them out. I legit only played for half an hour before getting too frustrated at looking at that repair fee increasing lmao. Take what I said with a grain of salt. These are more of first impressions than anything (but it's still retarded for me).