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I play both class and I think they are both fun and not boring to play.....BP is fun cuz you can play close,mid and long range and the reset skill mechanics really makes him worthwhile. Ripper is also fun cuz of the fast pace gameplay of his and the thrill of dodging a boss's attack, plus dodging succesfully rewards you with a 1000% bonus on any of your skill that uses MP altho I don't recommend doinh this everytime as ripper is squishy. It all boils down to what kind of play style you want. Altho DPS wise BP is a lot stronger than ripper....cuz his ult provides him with 30% FD and I think action speed combine that with his reset skill mechanic and he can do a massive amount of dmg on the enemy plus everytime lethal torture ( and ins ) and shadow drive hits it removes 6sec cd on said ultimate so it can be spammed sameway as ripper gets 3sec removed when he spams burning coal.
BP all the way, trust me missing your long awaited ULTI as Ripper will be one of the most annoying things specially when the boss is too fckin mobile(needs proper timing and usage). Unlike BP, you will never have a time where you're out of skills to use during burst windows.
i maining a BP
and i used to be ripper
u wont get disapointed from any of them try them out and decide with suit you the most and which u find joyable the most than u will have the right answear
Reaper/Ripper. best class for me
Chained moves , crows cool skills.
I mixed up my skill tree from Assassin to Ripper.
I did reset skill points from Bringer (Abyss/dark )more of the BPhantom type.
BP/Phantom is a new spin off I haven't played yet.
BP is one great DPS class no doubt about it, i never played BP before but i've heard there are some conflicts with the usage of their HP as sacrifice for using certain skills? not sure but with proper skill management you can overcome the issue.
Ripper on the other hand, is really fun, a good assassin class but it won't never be fun as when i tried Abyss walker, AW is cool
Pros of Ripper:
Faster cooldown skills
Shadows which can mimic the skill you use as a ripper for 50% trigger rate which is cool btw
Because of Burning Coal (more like Burning Call instead) you can use it to either avoid danger since it gives you a chance to link combos with your other skills and lets you step back a bit, also a great way to reduce cooldown on your Ultimate as a ripper
Skills looks so cool, fire fire fire
Cons of Ripper:
You need to be very very close to your target to even land a hit on certain of your skills
Doesn't have much evasive maneuvers for a close range fighter
A certain Awakening Passive which isn't really useful all the time and only activates at the right moment when you dodge using your dodge ability
Way too small AoE skills, some are very linear which you need to be really close
Very very close range
Pros and cons of BP not sure, never played it before
i think ripper is still a bit low... the problem isn't only his skills has low dps but as well as his other awakening which most people don't get how to use, but then again its a minimal pve change, its not entirely a revamp and ripper needs a revamp
Most of his skills are really close range, burning call isn't even something that would hit if you don't go really near an enemy, ripper isn't gonna be even close on being on tier 2 on the dps ranking, he might be stuck in the lowest tiers for the rest of the year since plans are already set by ED and they aren't boosting ripper yet
The buff is a good one, not minimal so to say.
I wouldn't say Ripper needs a revamp but more buff is definitely welcomed.
I haven't played Abyss Walker and Raven but many people say Raven is the worst now followed by Abyss Walker. Light Fury is support oriented so is not considered. There are even people who claim Raven dps is worse than LF lol but I cannot be sure about that since I don't play Raven at all.
i can say that LF's dps is comparable to that of crusader's dps now since i've got someone with me in the past that did a duo run on FM and other nests, and most of the time his LF gets a better dps rating than i have ever done even though our gear is comparable and similar to each other, not to mention he's a bit of a disadvantage still, considering he only had 4 parts slayer gear, and i had t3 calypse armor parts and to me my dps isn't even good enough to match his, so i could say that in the past few months LF has exceeded Raven's DPS, not to mention that raven never did have any recent changes nor boosts in the past few months, and i can say that the devs have already left raven behind way too long, not to mention AW as well.
They should plan ahead of boosting every character that needs boosting, and not just changing or improving specific characters in the game, this makes that already imbalance vibe in the game to be a lot more worst than what we are already experiencing.
I'm already a sucker for play the worst dps class in the game for the sake of its very fun and enjoyable gameplay, i don't car about the dps anymore so long as i am having a blast.
I main BP and I have player ripper in the past. I haven't played him since the recent boost though. Anyway, here are my thoughts.
-Very versatile with range. Can be close or far.
- Cooldown reset mechanic is pretty cool.
- Horrible class for dungeons and drawn out battles without a healer in your party. You will be down to 1 hp after 20 transformations without taking a single hit from the enemy.
- The new combined buff that we share with clerics hurts BP even more. Although your max hp increases by 10%, your total health remains the same. This means that you lose that you lose even more hp with every transformation because the hp lost is equal to 5% of max hp and not the current health.
- Suffers the same problems as other spinoffs. If you ever get nerfed, you can kiss goodbye to BP since you can't change jobs.
- Gameplay is faster compared to BP.
- Got a pretty decent self heal
- Fire element is cheaper than dark usually
- Awakening skills look cool.(reminds me of sanji from one piece)
- dps: haven't tested it out myself, but I was in a party with a ripper who had the same gear as me and he constantly kept achieving higher dps than my BP. It could have been because the bosses we encountered were small and BP sucks at dealing with them. Overall I think the current boost made him slightly better or on par with BP.
- close ranged only
- lacks AOE skills
- hard class to master
In conclusion, I recommend ripper over BP as he is more future proof and can deal more consistent damage in nests.
I don't like BP, i can say that BP is far more complicated to use than Ripper, since you need the proper usage of his transformation skills before you eat up way too much of your HP for that cooldown reset when using it again, Ripper on the other hand isn't that complicated, he is just lacking the right AoE skills to compensate for the players who doesn't know how to aim using the crosshair (including me) but since they did boost his dps on his awakening skills, he's gonna be more dependable now as a dps than before, even if it was just a slight improvement, this still gives him an advantage over Raven and AW, although i am not sure if this improved his rankings over the DPS list.
And surely, Ripper is a lot more cooler, he can be called an assassin, much more than the other class like raven or BP, he also has that vibe of a martial artist because of those high kicks and cool flaming rage OF HIS SKILLS!!1 yeaaaahH
I main a Ripper currently. I haven't played BP though.
1) Bosses' bodily features and personality. Due to the ultimate skills being reliant on uncontrolled Illusions (orientation and timing are important), and some of our skills naturally sliding forward, it is hard for Ripper to deal with small, slippery and hyperactive bosses. However it is very satisfying to dish out all skills on a big, solid boss within 15 seconds of Ultimate Skill's active time.
2) For reference, my highest dps record in STS is 1 million, which happened at Manticore Nest S2 Minotaur. Highest dps record in Cerberus Beginner Nest for the last boss (cerberus) is 1.3 million.
3) Ripper's dps heavily relies on burst (ultimate skill). Deciding on when to use ultimate is important. When mech that makes the boss invulnerable occurs right when you use Ultimate, a lot of dps will be lost. For example many mechs in STS daidalos nest, GDN hit the totem mech, manticore flying laser mech, volcano phoenix flying mech, etc.
When Ulimate is in CD, dps is much lower but still I would say is passable especially after March's boost. It doesn't mean you should not do anything when Ultimate is in CD, because main skills recover a few seconds of Ultimate's CD when hit accurately on enemies.
4) Prior to March's boost on Ripper, the two awakening skills are completely jokes due to their long cast time and not-really-good damage (except that Beast Swipe is a must-do when Ultimate is active). After the boost, the damage got boosted significantly that they make very good dps skills now. Also, bonus AGI and STR from class mastery got boosted from 30% to 50%, which means slightly more attack power and also much more CRIT and CDMG.
5) Many iframe skills. Well but most of the timings are really short and ''weird'' compared to other classes like Glad's parry, Sniper's sliding shot, Piercer's standing flag etc.
i. Rapid punch. Provides iframe for a SPLIT MOMENT when right click is used to end the skill fast.
ii. Burning Coal. One of the main dps and cd recovery skills. Provides iframe immediately when cast, and the iframe doesn't last that long so timing is very very important.
iii. Mortal blow. Provides iframe somewhere immediately when cast. Has 3 charges. 12 seconds cd each chrage IIRC.
iv. Awakening dragon kick sth. Provides iframe also somewhere around immediately when cast. Also provides some mobility plus dps.
v. Izuna Drop. Brain dead iframe. The easiest skill to dodge boss's attack with. However it has 10+ seconds cooldown.
Aside from Izuna Drop and Tumble, iframe timing of the rest of the skills are quite hard to master, because the grace period is too short (shorter than glad's parry and probably also evasion slash), and has to be cast ''on-point''. Also after the iframe period, there are still movements that are not iframed.
6) One funny thing is that Shadow Hand from assassin's skill tree is enhanced in Class Mastery 3, such that the dmg boosted ~1000% when hit in the back or sides of the target, also linked with Mortal Blow to do more bonus damage. When you hit it in the front it is like tingling to boss but when you use it on the back you can see a huge chunk of boss's HP get dropped which is satisfying to watch.
7) For reference, my attack in town is 3.1million (skila+0, 2 Ljades), capped crit, ~290+% cdmg, 88% FD, 70+% elem (not including skill buff worth around 28%). My dps in nests range from 800million ~ 4+ billion, depending on situations, nest conditions and performance. I managed to reach 5b when I cast ultimate and crow right in the beginning and managed to finish the boss together with team under 16+ seconds. Dps in GDN dragon stage is 1.9b. Golem test is about 3b.
Ripper's big disadvantage would really be swift and agile enemy boss, this is the same as for Saint that heavily relies on relics to deal dps, same principle applies to Ripper since he also rely on his ASH summons when using his core skills on its basic form (pre-ultimate) and this will also heavily affect ripper's ultimate as well, since if a target moves, the ASH or lets just call it after-images will not be able to land a hit since it just goes straight down the path.
I just hope that they can manage to pull off and just make those "ash" act like illusion shadows from Bringer's skill tree, where the character summons shadows, and every skill on the Bringer skill tree can be used by these shadows, in this way it will improve ripper's chance to deal good enough dps since it will be impossible for these shadows to miss their target if they are able to aim at the targeted enemy (ofc if the skill has already been cast and the boss is already faraway, this will be a different case and is a natural phenomenon that happens in battle)
And your dps really has a big dip in difference from the highest dps you can achieve.