Dear Eyedentity,
I wish to speak on behalf of my friends, guildmates and players of DNSEA. Referring to the Blood, Sweat & Tears 2 Events from March 2019 Calendar (12th March after the Update Patch ~ 28th March 23:59 HRS (GMT+8)) and screenshot attached, I wish to highlight that the instructions was not clear. There were no clear communication from your side to players. The note only mention that the rewards are accumulative and given on ACCOUNT basis, which is pretty obvious. However, Eyedentity did not clearly specify IF the event should be done on ONE CHARACTER of the SAME ACCOUNT or can be done on different characters on the SAME ACCOUNT. Honestly speaking, we have friends and guildmates who have spent countless of hours and dedication trying to get 180,000 BST points throughout the events, and DID NOT get the rewards just because they did it across different characters although they were on the SAME ACCOUNT. Isn't this one of the non-guided announcement that must be addressed?
To be honest it is not the first that has happened, we can clearly see from the recent Capsule Eye Gacha Events where there was non-guided announcement. On the bright side, we players applaud you Eyedentity for managing the issues swiftly and listen to the community. Kudos to you.
In a nutshell, I strongly believe it is only fair that Eyedentity should look into this matter and reimburse the rewards to players affected just like other players who use one character. Moving forward, we players who love this game, dedicated time and effort playing this game would appreciate if Eyedentity could CLEARLY COMMUNICATE the event details so that such incident will not happen again.